Emergency Cleaning Services
When the unforeseen happens in your commercial facility, turn to the company you can trust to help restore your facility back to normal.
Guaranteed Clean Maintenance will always respond quickly to any of your emergency cleaning needs, and provide you with the knowhow and professionalism that will provide comfort when the unexpected occurs.
Emergency Cleaning Phone Line Monitored 24/7
Guaranteed Clean Maintenance is available to you when your needs arise. Our after-hours emergency line is monitored 24/7 by a live person who is empowered to get the process started immediately. When Emergency’s come up, we’re the right call to make!
Our employees are dependable, consistent and are fully insured and bonded, providing you with peace of mind. Contact GCM’s 24 hour emergency phone line at 612-308-3000 to discuss your emergency cleaning project with us, we’re happy to provide a cost analysis, free of charge.
We would welcome the opportunity to visit with you about how Guaranteed Clean Maintenance can handle your office cleaning needs. Give us a call at: 651-644-9919